Academic union of nursing care systematization: an experience report
Comunicação Interdisciplinar, Assistência, Enfermagem, Prática profissionalAbstract
Objective: To disclose and promote participative teaching methodologies with a bigger
leading role of the nursing undergraduate; identify the possibility of joint teaching, research and
extension, integrating with the development of health services practices. Methods: This article is
an experience report about the elaboration of the first Academic Union of Nursing in the Federal
University of Juiz de Fora. Results: In order to achieve the establishment of the union, a search for
former unions in the country was done to obtain experience and knowledge. A working up of a
project was done and, after its appreciation, a Academic Union of Systematization of Nursing care
of the Nursing Course of the Federal University of Juiz de For a was built. Conclusion: The union
contributed to the training of students, assisting in the acquisition of knowledge and aiding in the
recognition of the Nursing Care Systematization as exclusive of the nurse.
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