Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en"><span title="">The Social Service in Perspective Magazine is a semi-annual periodical scientific publication.</span> <span title="">Related to social work and related areas, it is intended for the publication of debates and dissemination of academic production resulting from scientific research, essays, professional experiences and reviews.</span> <span title="">It is at the same time a space for the exchange of ideas produced in different contexts.</span> <span class="" title="">It targets researchers, social workers and professionals in related fields, postgraduates, undergraduates.</span></span></p> pt-BR (Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva) (Equipe Portal Periodicos) Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 BRAZILIAN SOCIAL SERVICE IN SOCIAL SECURITY: rescue of its trajectory and professional dilemmas <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The present work seeks to highlight the historical trajectory of Brazilian Social Work in Social Security, with an emphasis on contemporary reality. Based on the capitalist attacks on the Social Security policy and its consequences under the Brazilian specificities, permeated by the offensives of the financial capital, as a space of work and struggle of the social workers. Through qualitative bibliographical research, the challenges and potential of the profession are addressed, in its salaried condition, under the context of the (ultra)neoliberal attacks of the State and the pressure of capital against the social policies that make up the tripod of Social Security in Brazil, especially Social Security. In this scenario, the historical conquests of Social Work in the socio-occupational space of social security policy are presented and the ethical and technical challenges for the profession are provoked to reflection.</span></p> Denise Alves da Costa, Juliano Zancanelo Rezende Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The SOCIAL WORK IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF NITERÓI IN RIO DE JANEIRO <p>The following text aims to discuss the contribution of the Social Work profession in the Management of Primary Health Care - APS from the experience of the municipality of Niterói / RJ. The cutout chosen is given by the science of the performance of Social Workers in this field of the territory in question. The method used was the review of literature dealing with Social Work in Health, Health Management and documents on Primary Health Care at the national and municipal levels. We introduced the work seeking to place the reader on the proposal of the text, justifying the interest in the theme and its relevance. Next, we present Primary Health Care - APS and the national model of the Family Health Strategy - ESF. Subsequently, we present an overview of Primary Health Care in Niterói, inserting a brief history of the model and its organization today. In the following topic, we point out the role of Social Work in the field of Primary Health Care Management – ​​APS. As final considerations, the relationship between Social Work and Primary Health Care is highlighted based on the relevance of the profession in Management itself in the city of Niterói / RJ</p> Aline Amorim Chaves Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 O SERVIÇO SOCIAL NA ABORDAGEM DOS CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS <p>This article aims to present a literature review on the work of the social worker within a palliative care team. This is an integrative review, carried out through searches on the SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) website, from January to March of this year. Palliative care has been increasingly discussed in the field of health, being an approach that aims to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from serious and/or incurable illnesses. In the context of social work, palliative care presents specific challenges, since we work with the subjectivity of the subject and his family at a time of such fragility. Thus, in the quest to better understand the subject and feeling inspired after being close to the subject as a multidisciplinary resident, this article was prepared with the aim of highlighting the importance of the work of the social worker, as well as a reflective study on the interventions and skills professional in palliative care.</p> Ana Carolina de Freitas Campos, Laura Nogueira Campos Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A POLÍTICA DE ASSISTÊNCIA ESTUDANTIL DA UNB <p>This article aims to discuss the student assistance policy - PAES, with emphasis on the experience of the University of Brasília, as a fundamental strategy in guaranteeing access, permanence and graduation in public and free higher education. At the base of the elaborated reflections, there is the understanding that it is not enough to guarantee access to higher education for students in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. It is essential to guarantee permanence conditions, whether in their objective dimensions, such as pecuniary programs and projects, and/or in the form of institutional actions that address the subjective aspects of academic (coexistence) experience. In view of the proposed objective, we will analyze aspects of the recently approved UNB student assistance policy, highlighting the challenges of the construction process of this, which constitutes an important political and internal normative framework, and placing the theoretical, historical and methodological context of its construction. To this end, we will present the UNB's structure of action with regard to student assistance, in order to situate the context and reflect on the challenges that are imposed in guaranteeing the right to higher education. It is concluded that the PAES is structured and tends to consolidate itself, in a scenario of permanent struggles, where the actors involved build and rebuild strategies in the perspective of strengthening the rights already conquered and expanding them more and more, in the face of the growing demand .</p> Eloisa Pereira Barroso, Luana Chaves Martins, Sânzia Fernandes Barroso, Simone Farias Fonseca, Raquel Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE STRUCTURAL RACISM CONCEPTION TO THINKING AN ANTI-RACIST SOCIAL WORK <p>In the professional category of Brazilian Social Work, discussions on ethnic-racial relations have been growing in the last decade, as part of a broader process of theoretical maturation of intellectuals reconciled with the political dimension of the struggles of the Black Movement. From a bibliographical and documentary research, under the scope of historical and dialectical materialism, specifically from Gramsci's Marxism defined by Philosophy of <em>Praxis</em>, this article is outlined, with the objective of exposing what is the conception of racism structural and demonstrate what contributions it has to support a <em>praxis</em> consistent with the construction of what has been asserting itself in a hegemonic way as the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work. In addition, the article brings provocations to think about an anti-racist Social Work, in dialogue with the Fundamental Principles reaffirmed with the 30 years of the current Code of Professional Ethics.</p> Joelcio Jackson Lima Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA PROFISSIONAL DA/O ASSISTENTE SOCIAL <p>The objective of this work is to identify the absence of discussion of the racial issue in the updates of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Social Worker to the detriment of other updates carried out, despite the inclusion of several Social Work professionals in organized black social movements. I present some reflections on this absence, highlighting how this Code dealt with the racial issue in its formulation, pointing out some elements of analysis in order to seek to understand the historical and political context that led its formulation to disregard the racial dimension in its elaboration. In this sense, bibliographical/documentary research is presented as one of the research strategies and methodologies capable of meeting the objectives outlined, which was carried out from digital documents available on the website of the Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS) and other electronic sites that make files available digitally with official documents from other institutions. Despite recognizing that the advances historically present in the revisions of the professional Code of Ethics of Social Workers are undeniable, it is also inferred that the need for constant updating is undeniable, considering the speed with which society moves, updates itself, review and reset. Topics such as racism, LGBTQIAPN+phobia, religious intolerance, religious racism are increasingly frequent and require immediate responses from social workers to address these issues that are so relevant to the social relationships that are established in our society.</p> Adeildo Vila Nova Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 O CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA DE 1993 E O PROJETO ÉTICO-POLÍTICO DO SERVIÇO SOCIAL <p align="justify"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: medium;">The main objective of this article is to identify the challenges faced by social work in the last 30 years and to analyze the main strategies and forms of resistance of the category in the neoliberal context. Based on a bibliographical analysis, the aim is to understand how the 1993 Code of Ethics and the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work have been constituting important mechanisms in guiding professional practice, especially in a context marked by the strong suppression of social rights and precariousness of work. Consolidated in the 1990s, both denote the intellectual maturity of the profession, the break with conservatism, the commitment to the working class and the intention to build a new societal order. However, given the structural crisis of capitalism and the implementation of the neoliberal agenda, the expansion of expropriation processes is observed, which are reflected in the deepening of the flexibilization of labor relations, the scrapping of public services and the erosion of social rights. This framework reinforces old challenges and imposes new obstacles on the profession. However, the struggles and resistance of the working class are fundamental against barbarism.</span></span></span></span></p> Silvia Silva Martins Pinheiro Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ETHICITY AS A CONTRAST TO CAPITAL AND ITS MANIFESTATION IN SOCIAL SERVICE <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The present text focuses on the peculiarity of ethics within the contradictions that shape the society forged in the accumulation of surplus value and in the intensification of the exploitation of the salaried work force. The debate has as an inflection point the Marxian consideration of the limits of ethics in the capitalist mode of production, through the criticism addressed to the Hegelian philosophy and the capital system. From the limits established to ethics, within an alienated-fetishized-reified economic system, this investigation also seeks to apprehend the capillarity of ethics embodied in Social Work. Through the analysis of the historical peculiarity of codes of professional ethics, an attempt is made to scrutinize the ontological statute of ethics and its opposition to the system centered on the exploitation of work and spoliation, strategically explicit in the fundamental principles of the 1993 Code of Ethics. elucidation of ethics in a critical perspective of the capital system, the theoretical contributions of Karl Marx, G. Lukács, István Mészáros, Agnes Heller, Maria Lúcia Barroco, José Paulo Netto, Henrique de Lima Vaz, among others, will be used.</p> Tatiana Lyra Lima Félix Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPEDIENTE Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 LEITURAS TERRITORIAIS PARA AÇÃO DA VIGILÂNCIA SOCIOASSISTENCIAL EM TERRITÓRIOS INTERIORANOS <p>O artigo discute o processo de apropriação da vigilância socioassistencial por municípios pequenos do norte de Minas Gerais, a partir de uma ação de extensão universitária desenvolvida durante o segundo semestre de 2022. Para isso, o artigo resgata a trajetória da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS) e a emergência do Sistema Único da Assistência Social (SUAS). Nele a Vigilância Socioassistencial se aproxima das leituras territoriais como linha de base para compreensão das dinâmicas e fluxos que se apresentam no cotidiano das equipes. Neste movimento, o Diagnóstico Socioterritorial ultrapassa a sua função como instrumento para converter-se em eixo estruturante e fundamento para a qualidade, democratização e territorialização, não apenas desta política pública, mas das demais políticas socioassistenciais, ainda que não consolidadas nas ações locais, sobretudo em municípios pequenos e interioranos no Brasil. Neste sentido, o artigo apresenta uma reflexão e sistematização dos conhecimentos desenvolvidos junto às pessoas que participaram da capacitação durante a ação da extensão universitária, bem como destaca alguns resultados dos desafios identificados no desenho, implantação e execução do eixo de Vigilância Socioassistencial nas políticas locais de municípios de pequeno porte. Espera-se que esta identificação possa colaborar para o amadurecimento das políticas locais socioassistenciais brasileiras em contextos interioranos. </p> Patricia Zandonade, Alessandra de Sant’Anna, Maria Zanin, Danilo Malta Ferreira Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A EXPERIÊNCIA DA EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA ENQUANTO POTÊNCIA DE FORMAÇÃO HUMANA DE MULHERES TRABALHADORAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE VASSOURAS, CAMPUS MARICÁ <p>The present work aims to report the extension action carried out by the University of Vassouras, on the Maricá campus, through the Social Service Assistance Center (CASS), in its Nucleus of Extensionist Activity (NAE) Woman, aimed mainly at assisting women. black and indigenous. The intervention concerns the activity carried out in the month of October, of the year two thousand and twenty-three, with thirty female workers from the aforementioned university, in reference to the breast cancer prevention campaign, of the Ministry of Health, with the objective of enable a critical debate on the social construction of the formative process of becoming a woman, in the face of the alienating, misogynistic and sexist context of capitalist society. The activity took place from a critical perspective of reading society, through collective debate, fostered through facilitating elements such as: integrative dynamics, music (lyrics), video on breast cancer prevention, making posters and report about affective objects, the result of which provided greater integration among the workers, through the knowledge of experiences and perspectives exchanged, as well as the expansion of the mutual look for the expanded understanding beyond the professionals seen in the day to day, being able to perceive themselves as processes individual and collective social, often common. In order to contemplate the largest number of participants, the activity was carried out in two shifts: morning and afternoon.</p> Camila Rodrigues Estrela, Fernanda Borges Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GENDER, RACE AND INTERSECTIONALITY IN THE ACADEMY <p>This article aims to analyze stricto sensu scientific production on black women, in view of the intersectional relationship that permeates their existence, such as the confrontation with issues of race, class and gender. We sought to identify how the theme is addressed in higher education institutions and the characteristics associated with this production. The research was developed through a sample survey, which gathered a total of 2,723 postgraduate works, based on four indicators: black women, racism, structural racism and decoloniality. The analyzed period runs from 2017 to 2021. From the data and analyzes developed, it was possible to observe that the states that most produced about the categories were Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia; Among the universities, UFBA, CEFET-RJ, USP and UFMG stand out. Textual content analysis showed that most of the productions shared a qualitative character and usually addressed themes associated with categories such as race, gender, violence, education and health. In addition, it was identified that identity phenomena, especially the racial identity of researchers, can influence the scientific investigations produced by them. Finally, it was concluded that discussions about black women are substantial, being present in 41% of the works analyzed, but, even though the share of productions is expressive, it is also necessary to point out that there is a long way to go to achieve the necessary visibility. to such productions, starting with the entrance and permanence of these women in the university environment.</p> Tales Gandi Veloso de Andrade, Virgínia Marinely Almeida e Pessoa, Viviane Santos Miranda, Romilda Sergia de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FUNDO PÚBLICO E ORÇAMENTO PÚBLICO <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article deals with the theoretical differences between the public fund and the public budget. Therefore, it was necessary to explore the contribution of Francisco de Oliveira on the subject, prioritizing the dialogue with Marxist Political Economy. Furthermore, from the methodology angle, it is worth reviewing the bibliography, highlighting part of the production on the subject. However, it does not incur in Public Finance, a discipline that deals with the financial administration of the State, although, due to its relevance, a critical dialogue is established with it, taking caution not to go beyond introductory barriers. Furthermore, the focus of the argument resides in the analysis of categories capable of reproducing the real movement of the “social being” of the public fund, as Behring (2021) warns, in order to then show their links with the public budget. It should be noted that the work presented is the product of our studies and reflections, notably in the form of interventions in courses and lectures that took place between the years 2021 and the first half of 2023. Finally, by way of conclusion, emphasis is placed on the indisputable character of the study of the public fund, with emphasis on the national particularity, in connection with the unveiling of the social policy and the management that accompanies it.</span></p> Yan Carlos Nogueira Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MARXISMO, DETERMINAÇÃO SOCIAL DA SAÚDE E O PROCESSO SAÚDE-DOENÇA DOS/AS USUÁRIOS/AS <p><strong>: </strong>El artículo pretende aportar reflexiones sobre la salud, sus determinantes y su determinación para descubrir el potencial de su apropiación por parte de los profesionales de la salud. Sin embargo, la intención de este breve ensayo es dejar clara la concepción de la salud basada en el materialismo histórico-dialéctico como condición para alcanzar las conquistas del género humano. Para ello, recurrimos a algunos autores en un intento de releer los fundamentos marxistas, asociando teoría y práctica, desde las experiencias como residentes del área médica y multidisciplinaria en un hospital universitario. En vista de esto, la mirada se dirige a comprender que la determinación social de la salud se hace por el análisis del modo de producción, es decir, la estructura macrosocietal y coyuntural. Así, la conducta de los diversos profesionales de la salud no puede basarse solamente en los aspectos biomédicos y medicamentosos, dislocados de los factores económicos, sociales, psicológico-conductuales, culturales y étnico-raciales, entre otros, que se entrecruzan e inciden en el proceso salud-enfermedad de los usuarios. Además, este concepto ampliado de salud es un elemento clave para desplegar la práctica interprofesional entre las diversas áreas que forman los equipos de salud en el SUS y tienen como objetivo ofrecer una atención integral de salud.</p> Anny Karollyne Costa Silva, Huto Andrade Silva de Lima Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A LUTA PELOS SENTIDOS <p>This article performs an analysis of the discourses of the category “family negligence” enunciated by the Tutelary Council and the Public Ministry in five cases of suspension of family power in the year 2020 in a Childhood Court in the southern region of Brazil. Our intention is to understand the meanings attributed by these institutions to “family neglect”, that is, to apprehend how the meaning around the neglect category is produced by guardianship counselors and prosecutors and its objective consequences in the families of children and adolescents inserted in these processes. As a methodology, we used the interpretative methodology of Discourse Analysis (DA) in a critical and dialectical perspective to understand the ideological formations present in the discourses of “family neglect”. Finally, it was possible to conclude in the research that the discourses of "family neglect" mask processes of individualization, criminalization and privatization of families under the sign of neglect, in addition, the discourses also reproduce stereotypes of care, organization, affection and hygiene that expand the processes of institutional and symbolic violence of these families in the processes of protection measures for children and adolescents.</p> João Pedro Marques Curty Lage Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GEOGRAPHICAL SPECIALIZATION OF SOCIAL RELATIONS LINKED TO THE EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONALIZATION OF ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE BRAZILIAN SOCIO-EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM <p>This article deals with the education and professionalization of adolescents and young people, serving as a measure in the Brazilian socio-educational system, being a relatively new topic in academic works and in the literature of legal, human and social sciences. Despite the attempts of some Brazilian states to import the ideas of professionalization and education from technical schools to prison environments, taking into account compliance with Federal Laws No. 8069/90 and 12594/2012, the peculiarities of the socio-educational system they require a methodology and proper apparatus, as well as a dynamic that involves mechanisms such as youth and adult education - EJA and Initial and Continuing Training courses - FICs. In this way, analyzing what this conception refers to in the legislation and in the technical data of the Alana Institute for the year 2022 were the substrate to understand the conduct of this axis of the socio-educational system. Thus, we present achievements that the legislation is complied with only in 14 states and the Federal District, which corresponds to 55.5% of the country's total, leaving out 12 states, and with it, a large part of adolescents and young people are neglected in compliance. of socioeconomic norms. -educational measures. It is from these references that we formulate his thesis that the socio-educational system is, simultaneously, a place of alterity and an expression of the coexistence of the historical times of the adolescents and young people who find themselves there. Therefore, a space of the diverse, of the methodological assumption that is the method of the dialectic, finds a more appropriate and rich place for the north of the investigation.</p> Vanderson Viana Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SERVIÇO SOCIAL NA CONTEMPORANEIDADE Noêmia de Fátima Silva Lopes, Diego Tabosa da Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000