
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Any submission to the Social Service Magazine in perspective is subject to compliance with the rules. The opinions and concepts issued are the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee. The submission of an article to Revista Serviço Social in perspective requires that it has not been previously published (except in the form of a summary) and that it is not being considered for publication by another magazine. The veracity of the information and bibliographic citations is the sole responsibility of the authors.

The Social Service magazine in perspective accepts contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Only unpublished works will be submitted for evaluation. Translations of texts published in another language will not be accepted for submission.

The works will be evaluated first by the editorial committee regarding compliance with the publication rules. In case of inadequacy, they will be returned even before being submitted to merit assessment. The articles will be analyzed by at least two referees. The approval of the works will be based on the scientific content and presentation. The editorial board has full autonomy to assess the merit of the works and decide on the appropriateness of their publications with or without changes, and may even return them to the authors with suggestions for making the necessary changes to the text and / or illustrations. In this case, the author is requested to send the revised version containing the necessary changes. Those that may not have been adopted must be justified by a letter sent by the author. This new version of the work will be reevaluated by the editorial committee. At the discretion of the Editorial Committee, approved papers may be published at any time, with the author informed about the publication. Papers that are not approved for publication will have their file permanently filed.

Thematic articles and free themes: These are reports of original works, intended for the dissemination of results of unpublished research on topics relevant to the researched area, presented with a structure consisting of Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. The original article must contain between 15 and 20 pages, including tables, illustrations and references.

Experience report: A practical experience report is published, showing some originality, curiosity or unconventional aspect. The body of the text must contain the sections: Introduction, Case report, Discussion, Final considerations and References. The article must present, between 5 and 10 pages, including tables, illustrations and references.

Reviews: Critical book review. Minimum of three and maximum of five pages. They must begin with the reference of the reviewed work.

Summary of Conclusion of Course Work: Summary of conclusion of course work in social work or related areas, which have been submitted and approved in the last three years. It must start with the TCC reference. Maximum of 500 words.


A maximum limit of five authors is recommended. Only those who effectively participated in the work should be cited as authors, so that they can have public responsibility for their content. The corresponding author will need to obtain permission from all authors to submit the article and to make any changes to the authorship of the article.

Authorship information is provided during submission in “Submission metadata”. The following information is requested: full name of the author, e-mail, URL (inform the address to access the author's Lattes curriculum), institution (describe the institutional link - Department, Unit, University), country of origin and higher degree. The author must define who will be the main contact for correspondence and the order in which the names of the authors will appear in the publication using the arrows available at this stage of the submission. If there is no institutional link, inform the professional activity.

Organization of the text (original articles and experience reports):

Norms for Elaboration of the article

The texts must be typed in Word, font Arial or Times New Roman, size 12, without bold and formatted in A4 size paper, with 1.5 spacing between lines and 2.5 cm margins on each side. The titles of the sections in the body of the text must be written in capital letters, without bold, without numbering. The text must be justified and the first line of the paragraphs must be 1.25 cm apart.

TITLE: Presented in Portuguese and its version in another language (English or Spanish or French). In the case of texts presented in English, French or Spanish, the title must be presented in Portuguese.

Abstract: It should have between 150 and 250 words, written in a single, justified paragraph. Abstracts should be structured, highlighting the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or citations. The word summary must be written in lower case, bold, followed by a colon. The abstract text must start on the same line as the word Abstract.

Keywords: Include three to five words or expressions that identify the content of the article, separated by a period. The words keywords must be written in lower case, bold, followed by a colon.

Abstract and Key words: Present the abstract and keywords in English. If the article is written in English or Spanish, the abstract and keywords must be presented in Portuguese.

Body of the article: The body of the article should be divided into the sections indicated for each modality. Before references, authors must explain whether the work was funded, whether it is the result of a master's dissertation or doctoral thesis

Tables and illustrations:

The tables must be made in a program compatible with Word for Windows, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and the respective titles placed at the top. Tables are mentioned in the text with their respective number, and may be included in the text, or in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Example: In Table 1, it was observed ... or (Table 1). Preferably, do not repeat in graphs the data presented in the table.

The illustrations (graphics, drawings and figures) must be those strictly necessary to understand the text. They must be numbered in Arabic numerals and the respective titles placed at the bottom. The rules for indicating the illustrations in the text are the same as those described for tables. The inclusion of a maximum of five tables and / or illustrations is allowed. When the illustration has already been published previously, it must present data on the source (author, date and page) from which it was consulted, below the title and its complete reference must be part of the list of references.

Citations: Direct citations, up to three lines, must be inserted in the text, in quotation marks. Direct quotations of four lines or more must be independent paragraphs typed in single space and indented 4 cm from the left margin, in Times New Roman, size 10, without quotation marks. The deletion of part of the direct quotation must be indicated with square brackets and ellipsis.

References: The bibliographic references section must contain, in alphabetical order of the authors' last name, the references made throughout the article. ABNT rules for the presentation of these references must be followed.

Privacy Statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

A. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

B. Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publishing in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

C. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of published work.