This article was prepared based on the Specialization Course in Agrarian Residence (Agroecology, Agrarian Question, Agribusiness and Cooperativism), justified by the need for popular participation in the instances of Social Control in order to discuss and propose concrete actions that strengthen this relationship . The 1988 Constitution ratifies direct democracy in its Chapter II - Social Rights, "The participation of workers and employers in collegiate bodies of public bodies in which their professional or social security interests are subject to discussion and deliberation" is guaranteed "(art. 10) , that is, the debate in collective spaces for the exposition of ideas, proposals and decision-making actions. The general objective of the research was to investigate how the articulation of the Territorial Collegiate of Alto Sertão Sergipano with the CMDRS occurs to expand the Social Control of Policies for Sustainable Rural Development, and, at the same time, reinforce this relationship. To this end, specific objectives were met: to monitor the dynamics of the Territorial Collegiate of Alto Sertão Sergipano; investigate legislation and Sustainable Development Policies and socialize the results of the research and support the process of bringing the Collegiate and CMDRS closer together. This work is guided by the dialectical method, as it approaches the concrete reality of historical subjects in their dynamics and contradictions. In order to understand popular participation in the management councils and in the territorial collegiate of Alto Sertão Sergipano, the research methodology used was the semi-structured interview with 10 people, with 6 from the CMDRS giving priority to representatives of civil society.
Keywords: Sustainable Rural Development Policy. Municipal Councils for Sustainable Rural Development. Territorial Collegiate of Sustainable Rural Development.
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