Internship Supervision is Private Assignment of the Social Worker
an analysis of the profile of the supervisory professionals from Paraíba do Sul and Três-RJ
Education; Professional Training; Supervised internship; Social serviceAbstract
The supervised internship in Social Work is a fundamental element in the training and teaching of the professional practice of social workers, since it becomes one of the pillars in the process of building professional identity. Given this, the text has the role of showing the relevance of the field supervisor's performance, so we aim to map the internship field of the Social Service Course and outline the profile of the field supervisors linked to UniRedentor. To that end, we problematize the laws and regulations pertinent to the supervised internship in Social Work, we reflect on the professional practice of the social worker as a supervisor of the internship field, identifying limits and possibilities of his performance through a problematization based on a bibliographic research and application of a form. online answered, massively, by the respondents. And, finally, we make some considerations, which point out the importance of the Social Service's Ethical-Political Project in professional training.
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