An analysis from the Historical and Theoretical-Methodological Foundations





Marxism. Social Work. Marxism. Historical and Theoretical-Methodological Foundations of Social Work


This work is the result of a research related to the Conclusion of Course Work, which had as a source of data collection works published in the annals of the National Research Meeting in Social Work, with excerpts from the 2006 to 2016 editions. The research took as an object I study the current (or not) of Marx's social theory in Social Work, defining the objective of analyzing whether and how the appropriation of the Marxian / Marxist tradition by Social Work has taken place. The study, of a theoretical-documental nature, was based on dialectical historical materialism, had a predominantly qualitative approach, although it resorted, to some extent, to the quantitative dimension. In the bibliographic research process that typified the preliminary analyzes of the theme, books and periodical publications, theses, dissertations, annals of scientific meetings and publications available in electronic media were used. For data collection, the methodology proposed by Aldler and Doren (2010) was used, based on the following reading levels: inspection reading, analytical reading and syntopic reading. After the survey of 210 works contained in the Axis of Theoretical-Methodological Historical Foundations or which presented some key word related to the theme, we proceeded to an inspensional reading of their abstracts, selecting those that dealt more directly with the theme, so that 74 works remained, which were fully analyzed analytically. After this reading stage, 44 works were selected, so that, in these, syntactic reading was performed. The main results indicated that Marx's social theory is the most used in the analyzed studies.


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Author Biography

Maria Lúcia Machado Aranha, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Possui graduação em Serviço Social (1981) e Especialização em Educação (1984) pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe/ UFS. Tem mestrado (1992) e doutorado em Educação (1997) pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba ? UNIMEP. É professora Titular da UFS, onde atua na Graduação e na Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social, desenvolvendo atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Trabalho, gênero, formação profissional, diretrizes curriculares e Serviço Social são as principais áreas/linhas de investigação. Tem atuado, desde 2003, como avaliadora de cursos de graduação junto ao INEP/MEC. De 2006 a 2008 respondeu pela Chefia do Departamento de Serviço Social. É Tutora do Grupo PET (Programa de Educação Tutorial) de Serviço Social da UFS. Foi Pró-Reitora de Assuntos Estudantis da UFS no período 2012-2016.


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How to Cite

Moura, B., & Machado Aranha, M. L. (2020). CENTRALITY OF MARXISM IN BIBLIOGRAPHIC PRODUCTIONS OF SOCIAL SERVICE: : An analysis from the Historical and Theoretical-Methodological Foundations. Revista Serviço Social Em Perspectiva, 4(1), 155–175. https://doi.org/10.46551/rssp.202008