Serviço Social; Estágio Supervisionado, Supervisão Acadêmica.Abstract
The article intends to present and reflect on the effectiveness of the supervised internship, from the implementation of academic supervision in the Social Service Course - UNESP / Campus de Franca / SP, having as reference the ABEPSS Curricular Guidelines (1996) and the legislation that specifically deal with the Supervised Internship in Social Work (Resolution 533 CFESS; National Internship Policy - 2010 among others). The construction, implementation and evaluation of the professional training process by the supervised internship and academic supervision activity, object of study and reflection of this article, shows the importance of the contribution of all the representations of the academic community (teachers, students / interns, supervisors of field and academic supervisors) in the realization of quality professional training, in the direction of the professional ethical-political project and reaffirms the extreme contribution of the supervised internship, in a specific form of academic supervision, to achieve this training objective. In view of the studies and evaluations carried out during the period from 2017 to 2020, the constant need for reflections and evaluations on the reality of the supervised internship in Social Work courses is reaffirmed, considering the great challenges imposed by Higher Education Institutions, by Institutions Internships fields and the intensification of the process of precarious education and higher education in Brazil.
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