Supervised Internship in Social Work
An Analysis of its Importance in Vocational Training
Internship. Professional qualification. Social service. Importance.Abstract
This article discusses the importance of the supervised internship for the professional training of the Social Worker, analyzing the challenges and possibilities existing in this phase, seeking to expose its impacts on the construction of the professional in question. It is considered the discussion of the aforementioned thematic of paramount importance, since the research, investigation and analysis of the activities that involve the supervised internship in Social Work allow to create a reflective process and, in an emancipatory perspective, to strengthen the possibility of promoting strategies of propositional interventions and committed to the working class. Thus, having a commitment to the quality of services, the dialogue of these strategies aims to enrich the theoretical arsenal and create creative and efficient responses to the demands that arise for Social Work. The preparation of this study is supported by bibliographical and documentary research, as well as the legal apparatus that regulate the supervised internship. Through the analysis of the studies carried out, it was possible to perceive that the internship has great importance in the process of building professional skills and is fundamental to enrich the theoretical and practical knowledge, providing the intern with access to a range of valuable experiences.
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