SCIENTIFIC INITIATION IN PANDEMIC TIMES: limits and challenges to the training in Social Work.
Formação em Serviço Social, Investigação, COVID-19, Crise do capital, Ensino SuperiorAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic deepened the capital crises in the world. In the brazilian reality, its impacts gain particularity and are aggravated due to ultra liberalism related to the positioning of extreme right of the President Bolsonaro. The pandemic has impacted all the aspects of life and work, intensifying the use of virtual environment and digital technologies, in education and higher education, reverberating in its dimensions: teaching, extension and research. The Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) has been imposing challenges to the university experience. The reflections presented here, from the scientific initiation experience, linked to the project “Ingressante e Egresso do Curso de Serviço Social da UFOP: um estudo sobre seus perfis” bring the challenges and limits of the development of research activity, specifically, from scientific initiation in Social Work, that has been suffering the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic confirms the demand for collective responses and strategies in defense of life and human emancipation, in the fight against the health crisis and capital.
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