
  • Carla Gonçalves UNESP e UFG
  • André Santos Prefeitura de Aruanã/GO
  • Daniela Lima Prefeitura de Iporá


Saúde. Direitos. Participação Popular.


Understanding the political participation of the population using health services before the collegiate bodies of the Unified Health System (SUS) in the particularity of the city of Goiás / GO is the objective of this article now presented; expressed in the analysis of the results of the researches carried out in the studies undertaken by the authors. For this purpose, theoretical research, documentary research and empirical research are used - having as significant subjects of this last research the users who use the basic health unit with the largest number of people registered in the municipality. It is affirmed that popular participation represents a significant advance in the defense of social rights, however, marks still come from the characteristics of the Brazilian reality, constituted in a “mix of modern and archaic”. In the specificity of SUS, these achievements express social struggles between the different subjects involved; although there are still limits that need to be overcome, facing several challenges in view of the contradictions in the current situation and consolidating the advances that make up the socio-historical trajectory of health policy in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, C., Santos, A., & Lima, D. (2020). A PARTICIPAÇÃO POPULAR EM SAÚDE: ENTRE AS BELEZAS DO CENTRO HISTÓRICO E A ARIDEZ DO SERTÃO NA CIDADE DE GOIÁS/GO. Revista Serviço Social Em Perspectiva, 3(2), 77–98. Retrieved from https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/sesoperspectiva/article/view/444