
  • Fabiola Francielle de Jesus Unimontes
  • Juneo Carlos de Carvalho Boas Faculdades Integradas do Norte de Minas (FUNORTE)
  • Yoná Fernanda Souza Moreira Faculdades Santo Agostinho
  • Vanusa de Fátima Lopes Santana Faculdades Santo Agostinho


Violência intrafamiliar. Criança e Adolescente. Acolhimento Institucional.


This article discusses the intrinsic relationship between intrafamily violence and institutional shelter for children and teenager. Its objective is to highlight this manifest relationship, since society in general still does not understand that violence within the family is the main motivating element for the removal of children and teenager from the family of origin, causing institutionalization in several situations. It is understood that such research has social relevance, since, despite its limitations, it addresses issues related to the rights of children and adolescents, a public constitutionally considered an absolute priority in Brazil. Furthermore, it discusses intrafamily violence, the multiplicity of family arrangements and the necessary State intervention in terms of strengthening the protective function of families. Therefore, this article contributes to the debate in the field of social sciences in general and Social Work in particular, since it addresses topics that are dear to this profession. As for the methodological path this study has a qualitative nature, in the form of literature review and use of content analysis to analyze the research findings. Without pretending to exhaust the theme, it is concluded that it is the duty of the public power to enhance the autonomy of families, especially those from the popular strata, in order to contribute to the viability of the guarantees guaranteed to children and teenager, especially with regard to the right family and community connivance, preferably under the care of the family of origin, in an environment that ensures their protection and development.


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How to Cite

Jesus, F. F. de, Boas, J. C. de C., Moreira, Y. F. S., & Santana, V. de F. L. (2020). THE INTRINSIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTRA-FAMILY VIOLENCE AND INSTITUTIONAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGER. Revista Serviço Social Em Perspectiva, 3(2), 113–132. Retrieved from

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