institutionalization; childhood and youth home; children and youth; danger; riskAbstract
This study aims to analyze the perceptions of young people and adults who have experienced institutionalization for long periods in Portugal. It aims to understand what it is like to live in a childhood and youth home, more specifically to dissect how institutionalization in childhood and / or youth is perceived by those who have gone through this process. For this purpose, there was the participation of four individuals who narrated their experiences at the Youth Home. It is intended to explore three stages of the participants' life path: the pre-institutional period, the institutionalization period, and the post-institutionalization period. This investigation followed a qualitative methodology, and the interviews were analyzed through content analysis. The results suggest that although institutionalization has negative aspects, the positive aspects guided the path of these adults during their journeys at the Institution. However, it was also our intention to perceive some of the contradictions in this study and explain them in light of other investigations already carried out in this area.
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