Teoria Crítica. Pesquisa Social. Serviço Social.Abstract
The work intends to make a theoretical reflection on the necessary relationship between critical theory and social work research. To clarify this relationship, a brief debate is promoted about the importance of the method in Marx, the particularity of research in social work and some reflections on the investigative perspective in the urban space, which presents aspects of the investigative and interventional process of the immediate dialectical reality, in the socio-occupational space, in the daily praxis of professional social work work. In view of these intricacies, the importance of the Marxian method is expressed as a fundamental methodological instrument, in the investigative and interventional scope, for a qualified reading of the contradictory reality of social phenomena, at the heart of the contradictory class-bourgeois society. Therefore, the methodology used was based on bibliographic surveys and the method deals with critical reading based on the class dialectic that comprises Dialectical Historical Materialism.
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