Ethics. Code of Professional Ethics. Ethical-Political Project of Social Work. Marxian critique. New society.Abstract
Abstract: The present text focuses on the peculiarity of ethics within the contradictions that shape the society forged in the accumulation of surplus value and in the intensification of the exploitation of the salaried work force. The debate has as an inflection point the Marxian consideration of the limits of ethics in the capitalist mode of production, through the criticism addressed to the Hegelian philosophy and the capital system. From the limits established to ethics, within an alienated-fetishized-reified economic system, this investigation also seeks to apprehend the capillarity of ethics embodied in Social Work. Through the analysis of the historical peculiarity of codes of professional ethics, an attempt is made to scrutinize the ontological statute of ethics and its opposition to the system centered on the exploitation of work and spoliation, strategically explicit in the fundamental principles of the 1993 Code of Ethics. elucidation of ethics in a critical perspective of the capital system, the theoretical contributions of Karl Marx, G. Lukács, István Mészáros, Agnes Heller, Maria Lúcia Barroco, José Paulo Netto, Henrique de Lima Vaz, among others, will be used.
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