Educação Superior, Assistência estudantil, permanência e diplomaçãoAbstract
This article aims to discuss the student assistance policy - PAES, with emphasis on the experience of the University of Brasília, as a fundamental strategy in guaranteeing access, permanence and graduation in public and free higher education. At the base of the elaborated reflections, there is the understanding that it is not enough to guarantee access to higher education for students in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. It is essential to guarantee permanence conditions, whether in their objective dimensions, such as pecuniary programs and projects, and/or in the form of institutional actions that address the subjective aspects of academic (coexistence) experience. In view of the proposed objective, we will analyze aspects of the recently approved UNB student assistance policy, highlighting the challenges of the construction process of this, which constitutes an important political and internal normative framework, and placing the theoretical, historical and methodological context of its construction. To this end, we will present the UNB's structure of action with regard to student assistance, in order to situate the context and reflect on the challenges that are imposed in guaranteeing the right to higher education. It is concluded that the PAES is structured and tends to consolidate itself, in a scenario of permanent struggles, where the actors involved build and rebuild strategies in the perspective of strengthening the rights already conquered and expanding them more and more, in the face of the growing demand .
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