Safety And Efficacy Of The Application Of The Tumor-Treating Fields (Ttfields) Mechanism Associated With Temozolomide After The Standardized Protocol Of Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy In Patients With Recently Diagnosed Glioblastoma


  • Samuel da Silva Gomes Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES
  • César Felipe Gusmão Santiago
  • Débora Gonçalves Pereira Guimarães Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES
  • Lucianne Maia Costa Lima Universidade de São Paulo - USP
  • Marcos Vinicius Calfat Maldaun


TTFields; Oncology; Glioblastoma; Radiotherapy.


Abstract: Tumor-Treating Fields is an antineoplastic treatment modality that consists in the application of alternating electric currents directly to the skin in the tumor region. Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary brain tumor. Treatment options are limited. A bibliographical review addressing what is significant and new in the medical literature regarding the treatment of glioblastoma with the Tumor-Treating Fields or Novocure mechanism is presented, based on the main research portals. The main objective of this study was to establish the safety and efficacy of the Tumor-Treating Fields approach in the treatment of recently diagnosed glioblastoma. After confirming its safety and efficiency the secondary objective was to establish this approach as the treatment of choice for this pathology. The main articles in English concerning this issue were searched on the portals PUBMED, Cochrane, Lilacs, and Embase. The investigated approach should be added to the first line treatment of glioblastoma in association with microneurosurgery, radiotherapy, and temozolomide.


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Biografia do Autor

César Felipe Gusmão Santiago

Médico Neurocirurgião do Hospital Santa Casa de Montes Claros

Marcos Vinicius Calfat Maldaun

Coordenador da Pós-graduação em Neuro-oncologia do Hospital Sírio Libanês




Como Citar

DA SILVA GOMES, S. .; FELIPE GUSMÃO SANTIAGO, C. .; GONÇALVES PEREIRA GUIMARÃES, D.; MAIA COSTA LIMA, L. .; VINICIUS CALFAT MALDAUN, M. Safety And Efficacy Of The Application Of The Tumor-Treating Fields (Ttfields) Mechanism Associated With Temozolomide After The Standardized Protocol Of Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy In Patients With Recently Diagnosed Glioblastoma. Revista Unimontes Científica, [S. l.], p. 201–213, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.



II Congresso Nacional em Oncologia