TEIXEIRA TELES GONÇALVES, Jaqueline; TELES GONÇALVES, Camila; ARAÚJO RESENDE, Morgana; ROCHA PARADA, Fernando; FERNANDO GOUVEA JABBUR, Iann; JOSÉ FARIA, Plínio; FERREIRA SANTANA, Renata; ANDRADE DE PRINCE, Karina. Analysis of the epidemiological profile of men treated with acute pancreatitis in urgent regime in north of Minas. Revista Unimontes Científica, [s. l.], p. 229–249, 2020. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/unicientifica/article/view/1061. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.