Dental approach in elderly patients with Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease; Oral hygiene; Oral manifestations; Conduct.Abstract
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive and degenerative disorder that usually starts in middle age or old age. PD, over time, makes it difficult or impossible to perform some daily activities. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. Objectives: The objective is to review the literature about the oral manifestations of PD and describe the appropriate management and care before, during and after dental care for patients with Parkinson. Method: this is an integrative
literature review, based on 33 references, including original studies. Results: PD is manifested mainly by motor problems, which affect the performance of oral hygiene.It is also possible to observe oral manifestations: dysphagia, sialorrhea, xerostomia, oral burning sensation, difficulty in adapting dental prostheses. Among the measures indicated in the dental approach are: accessibility to the office, correct chair inclination, attendance after 60 to 90 minutes of taking the medication. Conclusion: For
a good dental care for patients with PD, a conscious approach is necessary, considering the present diseases. Therefore, it is imperative that dentists know the signs, symptoms and drug therapy of PD and oral implications for a correct treatment plan, appropriate conduct and respect for the patient's limitations.
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