Comics as a Tool for the Teaching and Learning about the New Coronavírus
Comics; Education; Immunology; Coronavirus.Abstract
The aim of this work was to develop a comic book relating the immune system and
the new coronavirus. A comic book (HQ) simulating SARS-CoV-2 infection in a human
organism was created. The constituents of the immune system (macrophage, B lymphocyte,
cytotoxic T lymphocyte, T helper lymphocyte, natural killer cell, dendritic cell, neutrophil,
eosinophil, basophil, IgA, IgG, IgM, cytokines and complement system) capable of acting in
this infection were enumerated. The immune responses and the mechanisms of action of the
components of the immune system were related to the infection caused by the new
coronavirus. A language accessible to people of all ages and different levels of education was
used. The comic produced may represent a positive result in learning the immunology content
associated with the new coronavirus or enhance information already acquired. For the authors,
skills such as initiative, teamwork, in addition to communication and synthesis skills were
observed. The present work can be used in association with other active learning
methodologies and, above all, serve as an inspiration for new educational approaches on the
new coronavirus to be created.
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