Physical Exercise as a Prophylactic Ally Against COVID-19: a Hypothesis Involving the Toll-Like Receptor 7 (TLR-7)
Exercise as a prophylactic ally against covid-19: a hypothesis involving the Toll-Like Receptor 7
Physical Exercise, COVID-19, Innate Immunity, SARS-CoV-2, TLR-7Abstract
It is hypothetical that the increase in the expression of TLR-7, a component of the innate immune system, in response to regular physical exercise, could positively influence the initial antiviral reaction against COVID-19. Objective: to find data to support the hypothesis regarding the prophylactic potential of physical exercises against COVID-19, through innate immunity involving TLR-7. Methodology: bibliographic research was adopted regarding papers available on PubMed. Results: there are indications of an important role of TLR-7 in the initial antiviral action against COVID-19 and different responses of TLR-7 after physical exercise. TLR-7 suppression is recorded as an acute effect after strenuous exercise of long duration, whereas its acute expression is observed after resistance exercise. Baseline increase in TLR-7 appears to occur after a 10-week aerobic training program. Considerations: TLR-7 suppression is a possible factor in reducing the initial antiviral reaction against COVID-19. More studies are needed to clarify the effects of physical exercises on TLR-7 and their potential on antiviral defenses against COVID-19, considering specificities such as: exercise intensity, exercise modality, duration of the session or training program, assessed population or other possible factors.
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