Importance of health literacy: understanding of food processing by breast cancer survivors
Importance of health literacy: understanding of food processing by breast cancer survivors
Breast neoplasms, Cancer survivors, Food guide, Comprehension, Health LiteracyAbstract
Objectives: To evaluate the understanding and adherence of survivors of breast cancer in relation to the food processing classification contained in the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 201 women, with the collection of sociodemographic data and analysis of opinion about the quality of food and understanding and adherence to the concepts referring to the type of food processing using the definitions of the aforementioned guide. The topics related to food followed a Likert scale, with the options: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree and Strongly agree. Results: The mean age was 50 (± 11 years), with a predominance of low schooling and low wages. There was a low prevalence of satisfactory understanding, being higher in relation to the definition of in natura foods (20.9%). About 50.25% of the interviewees reported using more in natura/minimally processed foods and between 11.44% and 20.89% consume foods that are part of the processed and ultra-processed categories. Conclusion: The concepts regarding the type of food processing are not well understood, however most women have adherence to a poor diet in processed and ultra-processed foods. These aspects need to be taken into account when planning health-literate nutritional guidance.
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