Functional and psychosocial impacts of oral disorders among adolescents in a central city in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2019/2020

Functional and psychosocial impacts of oral disorders among adolescents in Montes Claros - MG, 2019/2020


  • Viviane Soares Fonseca Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Ana Tereza Silva e Diogo Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Ana Maria Rodrigues Santos Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Paula Karoline Soares Farias Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Maria Aparecida Barbosa de Sá Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas - FUNORTE
  • Laiane Ferreira da Silva Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Fabíola Belkiss Santos de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Marinilza Soares de Mota Sales Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Michelle Pimenta Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes
  • Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima Martins Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros -Unimontes




Quality of life, Adolescent, Oral health, Epidemiology, Oral Health Survey


Objective: to analyze the impact profile of oral disorders in their functional, social and psychological dimensions among adolescents. Methods: part of the project “Epidemiological survey of oral health conditions and quality of dental care among schoolchildren (2019/2020)”. Descriptive analysis with stratified probabilistic sample (12 and 15 years old) by clusters (95% confidence; sampling error of 5 and 10% and non-response rate of 10%; previous mean distribution and standard deviation; deff=1.4; prevalence outcome of 50%) of adolescents enrolled in public schools in the urban area of ​​the municipality. The exams were conducted from 02/2019 to 02/2020 by calibrated dentists (Kappa ≥ 0.61. Sociodemographic conditions and impacts of oral disorders were evaluated. Result: 654 adolescents participated, predominantly female (53.6%) and brown (63.5%). Most reported never having had impacts on 13 items with percentages ranging from 60.1% to 90.5%. Most (53.10%) reported impact on pain. Conclusion: oral disorders had different impact percentages; pain was the disorder that had the greatest impact on the physical dimension. There is a need to adapt dental care in order to minimize the identified impacts, with special emphasis on pain relief, considering the quality of life of these adolescents.


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How to Cite

SOARES FONSECA, Viviane; SILVA E DIOGO, Ana Tereza; RODRIGUES SANTOS, Ana Maria; SOARES FARIAS, Paula Karoline; BARBOSA DE SÁ, Maria Aparecida; FERREIRA DA SILVA, Laiane; SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA, Fabíola Belkiss; SOARES DE MOTA SALES, Marinilza; PIMENTA OLIVEIRA, Michelle; ELEUTÉRIO DE BARROS LIMA MARTINS, Andréa Maria. Functional and psychosocial impacts of oral disorders among adolescents in a central city in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2019/2020: Functional and psychosocial impacts of oral disorders among adolescents in Montes Claros - MG, 2019/2020. Revista Unimontes Científica, [s. l.], vol. 26, no. 1, p. 1–18, 2023. DOI: 10.46551/ruc.v26n1a2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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