Use of eggshell as an alternative stationary phase for classical liquid column chromatography
Use of eggshell as an alternative stationary phase for classical liquid column chromatography
Chromatography, Plant Leaves, Pigments, Egg ShellAbstract
Objective: Perform classical liquid chromatography in a column using silica as a stationary phase, and as an alternative material pulverized eggshells. Methodology: this is investigative research, in which an alternative material for the filling of the classical chromatographic column was tested. To analyze the adsorption and elution capacity of the material, the extract of Tradescantia pallida purpura (Rose) was used. Ethanol 70º was used as the mobile phase and the eluted fractions were collected in test tubes (2 mL approximately). Results: The separation of plant pigments in elution occurred homogeneously in both silica and eggshell. We collected 14 fractions of the column with silica and 16 of the columns with eggshells, which supposes the separation of anthocyanins, carotenoids and chlorophylls, respectively. The alternative material is composed mostly of calcium carbonate, the same compound used by Tswett for the development of the technique. Final considerations: The activity focused on the use of an alternative stationary phase that, in addition to being easily accessible, consists of domestic waste that does not generate costs in obtaining. Thus, it is feasible to use pulverized eggshell as filling (stationary phase) in column chromatography practices, to demonstrate pigment separation.
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