Primeiro Paciente Acolhido Pelo Centro De Cuidados Paliativos Jesuína Rosa Silva - Relato De Caso
Cuidados Paliativos, Câncer, HospiceAbstract
Objective: To report the case of the first patient received at the Jesuína Rosa Silva Palliative Care Center. Method: Observational approach, conducted through a descriptive research and clinical case report based on the analysis of medical records and daily multidisciplinary care reports, at the Jesuína Rosa Silva Palliative Care Center in the year 2022, through random and non-probabilistic sampling. Discussion: It is emphasized that when it comes to end-of-life care, empathy and effective communication are fundamental, favoring the comfort and dignity of the patient and family facing an illness that threatens the continuity of life. Final considerations: The humanized care provided by a multidisciplinary team, focused on treatment and patient support at the Jesuína Rosa Silva Palliative Care Center, demonstrated that even in the face of imminent death, values and principles stand out in promoting the restoration of human dignity and quality of end-of-life.
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