Geo-environmental aspects of spring areas in the high hydrographic sub-basin course of the Figueiredo river/Ceará
Physical environment, Human occupation, Systemic analysisAbstract
Studies aimed at understanding the dynamics of the elements (physical and human) of an environment are important for making decisions about the use of natural resources. In this regard, understanding the physical situation and the human occupation of a given space can be fundamental for the management of a territory. Thus, this study had as main objective to make a geoenvironmental contextualization of the spring areas of the high hydrographic sub-basin course of the Figueiredo river, Ceará state. For this, the work was carried out through bibliographic studies, geocartographic surveys, geoprocessing techniques and field work. A consistent database was obtained to carry out the systemic analysis, in order to identify the environmental systems. Finding out that the area in evidence presents a rich landscape diversity, which is provided by its natural attributes. As for occupation activities, they are triggered as potentializers of environmental degradation. In this way, there is a clear need for the adoption of conservationist practices that provide the sustainability of environmental systems in the area in focus.
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- 2020-07-17 (2)
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