Thinking geography and its teaching since the productions of virtual reality





Ensino, Geografia, Design, Realidade Virtual.


This paper exposes reflexions towards spatial ideas related to the technology we use in out daily life, specially the tecniqueswich create the several modes of Virtual Reality (VR). Metodologically we consider the discussions around concepts of VR and the devices designed to provide it. To the space theory,  we have an important reference in the considerations of the geographer Milton Santos over the role of tecniques in the contemporary space production. From Gaston Bachelard we consider the refletions about the new space ideas generated by micro phisics and the limits conventional sense of science. Based on our experience in a tech lab in a south brazilianuniversitity and in elementary school of the same country, we point that new tecniques, included the ones which support VR, should be analised by an openspacial dimension, the same spacial sense that allowed techniques to be created. We suggest tecniques may be used in colaboration to spread a more open science view which developesan imaginary related to a more sustainable living spatialities.



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Author Biographies

Juliano da Costa Machado Timmers, UFRGS e Prefeitura Municipal de São Leopoldo

Doutor em Ensino de Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS e Professor de Geografia da Rede Municipal de São Leopoldo/RS.

Branda Eloá Weppo, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos e Universidade De la Empresa

Mestranda em Educação pela Universidade da Empresa – UDE, Montevidéu/Uruguai e Mestranda em Computação Aplicada pela Universidade do Vale dos Sinos - UNISINOS.


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How to Cite

da Costa Machado Timmers, J., & Eloá Weppo, B. (2020). Thinking geography and its teaching since the productions of virtual reality . Revista Verde Grande: Geografia E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(02), 56–69.