Atividades Extracurriculares, Programa de Educação Tutorial, COVID-19Abstract
Given the challenges reflected in the implementation, maintenance and sustainability of the extension projects offered by the Tutorial Education Program PET-Strategies to Reduce Retention and Evasion at the Federal University of the Valleys of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, it is relevant to demonstrate, in the perception of Petianos and Coordinators, what are the strategies adopted to enable the execution of these activities. Data collection was carried out through the application of an online questionnaire using the Google Forms platform. For the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, descriptive statistics were used based on the preparation of tables and graphs. The research made it possible to register opinions on the weaknesses in relation to the remote development of the projects. The results demonstrate that it was not possible to proceed with most extension projects and that the advent of the pandemic became a limiting factor for the execution of activities, in addition to the lack of technological resources and difficulties reported by volunteers in accessing the internet. Even so, PET endeavored to develop strategies to circumvent such limitations, through the production of videos made available on social media, as well as the insertion of students in Brazilian national congresses...
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Copyright (c) 2021 Bárbara Guedes Aguiar, Luiza Loren Vieira Tavares, Alesson Pires Maciel Guirra, Flaviana Tavares Vieira Teixeira
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