



Buddhism. Geography. Religion. Territory. Migration.


This paper aims to bring information to the development of a geographic analysis on the dispersion of Tibetan Buddhism from the Nyingma tradition which had been installed in southern Brazil in the 1990s in the city of Três Coroas (RS). Methodologically, the paper considers the Geography of Religions of Zeny Rosendahl (1995), and also ideas by Gomes (2012) and Haesbaert (2007) related to the territory. About Buddhism, the paper has as source the writings of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche (2015) and an interview with the artist Alan Capetilla who lived with the master in the Temple. Global relationship networks guided by religious culture and intrinsic aspects of Buddhist religious ideas and practices have significant influence on the geography which materializes at the Khadro Ling temple in the city of Três Coroas (RS).



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Author Biography

Juliano da Costa Machado Timmers, Prefeitura Municipal de São Leopoldo

He graduated geography teacher from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2005). He also graduated bachelor in geography from the same university (2007). He worked as a geography teacher in popular preparation courses for the university entrance exams. He is currently a teacher in the final years of elementary school in the municipality of São Leopoldo (RS). He holds a master's degree in territorial analysis from UFRGS (2011). He holds a PhD in Geography teaching from UFRGS (2019).


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How to Cite

da Costa Machado Timmers, J. (2021). HOUSING IN THE TRANSITORITY: GEOGRAPHY REFLECTIONS ON REPORTS OF TIBETAN BUDDHISM IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL . Revista Verde Grande: Geografia E Interdisciplinaridade, 3(01), 37–52. https://doi.org/10.46551/rvg26752395202113752