Uneven Geographic Development Between Rivers Of Media Sorocabana
Unequal Geographical Development, ; Territorial Division of Labor, TerritorialitiesAbstract
This essay is the result of the conclusion of the thesis developed for the doctorate at the Graduate Program in Geography of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP – Presidente Prudente). Titled as FROM THE EARTH OF WHAT? TERRITORIALITIES AND PROCESSES OF UNEVEN GEOGRAPHIC DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN RIVERS OF MEDIA SOROCABANA: APPROPRIATION, CONFLICTS, WORK AND PRODUCTION.
The aforementioned thesis aimed to explain these dynamics occurring in this spatial fraction through its territorial arrangements and the processes resulting from the contradictions of capital. Territorialities are the expression on the land surface of the class struggle, and therefore, it is important to understand the processes of mobility of capital and the scales of relations involved.
Therefore, the spatial organization and the territorial disputes present are the marks left on the surface and that promotes the geographical face intentionally provoked by capital. Thus, differentiating the localities by forging relations of dependence, subjection, and spoliation of everything present in that spatial cut, which can be its resources, the labor force, and land appropriation.
Therefore, we will analyze the main episodes of occupation and geographic formation through the light of Unequal Geographic Development to understand the relations and scales that the capital has promoted (and promotes) in the formation of the Territorial Division of Labor.
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