Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre: da resistência à hidrelétrica Belo Monte a lutas por envolvimento e direitos territoriais no médio Xingu
Movimento Xingu Vivo, Hidrelétrica Belo Monte, XinguAbstract
This work discusses the formation and actions carried out by Xingu Alive Forever Movement (XAFM) in the area affected by Belo Monte hydroelectric, in the middle Xingu River, State of Pará. It is sought to understand more specifically the context of the movement's formation and how its actions materialize geographically, somehow affecting the production of territory. The investigation is based on documental and bibliographic research procedures, in addition to field research, with semi-structured interviews. From information obtained, it is inferred that XAFM is product of disputes established around the implementation of Belo Monte hydroelectric, and its actions are linked to political formation and to struggle for rights on the part of social groups affected by large capitalist projects in the middle Xingu.
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