Sistema territorial da madeira ilegal no município de Parintins – AM
Territorialidade, Madeira ilegal, Rede de sujeitosAbstract
The article analyzes the Territorial System of Illegal Wood in the Municipality of Parintins (AM) from the popular economy, whose objectives are: i) to discuss about the territory and territoriality of the networks of subjects involved in the circuit; ii) demonstrate how illegal wood is distributed and absorbed; iii) analyze transport activities related to illegal timber from the Urban-River Territorial System (STUR); iv) list characteristics of the circuit in the intra-urban space. The methodology used starts from the territorial approach, with the purpose of describing and analyzing the territoriality of the subjects. The data collection instruments were non-directive interviews, application of forms, field observations and the elaboration of maps. As a final result, it was found that this illegal system is articulated through the use of territory and the territoriality of a network of subjects that extract, distribute, absorb and transport illegal wood, benefiting the urban nodes of the city of Parintins.
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