Remote Sensing, Surface temperature, heat islandsAbstract
The development and improvement of remote sensing techniques are crucial in studies of urban climate, because the quality of urban areas has proven to be inadequate for the populations for not taking into account the geoenvironmental characteristics of cities. The study aims to analyse the variations of the Ground Surface Temperatures (GST) of the city of Rondon do Pará, by means of urban climate studies, observing the thermal-hygrometric parameters. Thermal and multispectral sensors from the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellites were used with a time scale of 1980 to 2020. The surveys of satellite images were extracted from the earthexplore/Nasa site, by processing of these images in the Qgis software, as well as with the SCP plugin. The main products created were the maps of surface temperature, SAVI, NDWI and thermographic profile. The results pointed to averages of 26.6 degrees in 1980 and relative average of 27.8 in 2020, thus indicating a temperature increase by ±1.2 °C. All mapping efforts resulted in perceptions that land use change by urban processes directly influences the local thermal and hygrometric field (heat islands), which represent high temperature points on the thermal map.
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