O clima urbano na metrópole manauara: diferenças termohigrométricas no bairro do Coroado, Manaus-AM
Mobile transects, Urban climat, Heat island, ManausAbstract
The accelerated and unplanned urbanization process causes climatic disturbances, with significant potential to harm the quality of life of the urban population. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the variations of temperature and relative humidity of the air in the Coroado neighborhood, Manaus/AM. In addition to correlate with data of surface temperature and NDVI. The mobile transect was used as the main methodology for collecting temperature and humidity of the air data, with the aid of the thermo-hygrometer instrument. The collections occurred on July 15 to 19, 2022 in the period from 13 to 14 hours, the data were tabulated, statistically treated and analyzed from the constraints of the Coroado neighborhood, as well as were interpolated and mapped. From this, it is possible to infer that the densely urbanized area and the characteristics of land use and coverage are factors responsible for the thermal distribution within the intra-urban space, thus providing the occurrence of heat islands. In this way, the conditioning factors of the urban space are directly related to the thermal behavior of the surrounding atmosphere, so that the vegetation index has greater ability to modulate the thermal field of the neighborhood, and in turn, influences the quality of life of residents.
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