13° NATIONAL JOURNEY OF THE LANDLESS YOUTH - political formation for MST’s youth on Brazil’s Southeast region





Political Formation; Landless Youth; Land Reform; Environmental Crisis


The youth meeting hosted by the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) Youth Collective in the Florestan Fernandes National School (ENFF), in Guararema-SP, as part of the 13° National Journey of the Landless Youth, had as its main objective the debate about the environmental crisis as a part of capitalism’s structural crisis and the role of the youth in fighting against the reckless use of land and land property, common goods and the people’s sovereignty. In this space of political formation, the landless youth and guests, both from different regions of Brazil were capacitated to help maintain the Youth’s organizational process in the areas with an MST encampment or occupation. The importance of taking action during the whole process of developing projects, in the teaching of base political and sociological knowledge and in the construction of popular committees for boosting MTS’s campaigns for a land reform and in defense of the environment, was highly emphasized. The meeting represented a valuable opportunity for the insertion of the landless youth into a political formation, having in mind their own empowerment and the strengthening of social movements. While debating essential questions, the environmental crisis and the people’s sovereignty, the participants were incentivised to actively engage in the transformation of the status quo, fighting for social justice, equality and sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Figueiredo Castilho, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Graduando em Licenciatura em Geografia – Unimontes. Bolsista IC  Fapemig no NEPRA – Unimontes.

Wesley Martins de Almeida, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Graduando em Licenciatura em Geografia – Unimontes. Bolsista Unimontes – PPGEO.

Deyvison Lopes Siqueira, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Social – PPGDS da Unimontes – Bolsista Capes. Mestre em Geografia pelo PPGEO da Unimontes. Graduado em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.

Gustavo Henrique Cepolini-Ferreira, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

Professor do Departamento de Geociências, PPGEO e PPGDS da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros. Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Regionais e Agrários – NEPRA/Unimontes.


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How to Cite

Castilho, D. F., Almeida, W. M. de, Siqueira, D. L., & Cepolini-Ferreira, G. H. (2023). 13° NATIONAL JOURNEY OF THE LANDLESS YOUTH - political formation for MST’s youth on Brazil’s Southeast region. Revista Verde Grande: Geografia E Interdisciplinaridade, 5(02), 710–722. https://doi.org/10.46551/rvg2675239520232710722



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