Geoliteratura e Geopoética: Topofilia e Paisagem a partir da percepção do Menino em Campo Geral, de Guimarães Rosa
Topophilia . Landscape. Geopoetics. Geoliterature. Boy.Abstract
Since 1980, geoliterature and geopoetics have stood out in the geographical, philosophical and literary approaches arising from the studies of the French philosopher Merleau-Ponty, the French poet and philosopher Michel Collot , of Yi-Fu Tuan and other studies of the humanist geographers whose inquiries greatly favored geoliterary studies. In geoliterature, geographical categories dialogue with prose/poetry and acquire a meaning that goes beyond the purely geographical spatial cut. This article aims to analyze the relationship of communion with the place and landscape from the perception of the boy protagonist of the narrative Campo Geral (1964), by Guimarães Rosa. Through the literary review of this tale and its dialogue with the studies of the aforementioned authors, other philosophers and geographers, this study was constructed. Faced with the erasure of memories, identities with/in places and the destruction of built and natural landscapes, it is necessary to rescue these categories from the child's point of view. The child's relationship with the place was identified in the story, in the following aspects: infant, childhood, home, domestic animals, fauna and flora of the Cerrado, teaching, and toys. And the landscape showed itself as an element of self-construction of being and being in the world.
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