Educação Ambiental como aliada ao Gerenciamento Adequado de Resíduos Sólidos na Comunidade Vila Vilena, Bonfim, Roraima
Environmental education, Solid Waste, ManagementAbstract
Inadequate solid waste management poses a significant environmental challenge, especially in smaller communities. This article explores the role of environmental education as an essential tool for promoting sustainable solid waste management practices in the community of Vila Vilena, located in the municipality of Bonfim, Roraima. The research is a product of a master's dissertation conducted in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Roraima (PPG-GEO/UFRR) and analyzes the current conditions of waste management in the community and evaluates the impact of educational programs on the awareness and mobilization of residents. Through participatory methodologies, environmental education actions focused on the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials were implemented. The results indicate that environmental awareness can significantly improve waste disposal and management practices, contributing to pollution reduction and an improved quality of life in Vila Vilena. The study concludes that environmental education is a powerful ally in addressing the challenges of solid waste management, promoting a cleaner and more sustainable environment for future generations.
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