Educação Ambiental e Coleta Seletiva em Eventos de Grande Porte: Um Relato de Experiência na Expomontes 2024





Conscientização ambiental, Gestão de resíduos sólidos, Inclusão social, Eventos sustentáveis


This article provides a thorough analysis of the Pegada Ambiental Expomontes project, implemented during the 50th Agricultural Exhibition of Montes Claros. The project was developed with the aim of promoting environmental awareness through the implementation of a selective waste collection system, integrating two associations of recyclable material collectors and aligning with five of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The methodology employed included the mobilization of 18 collectors, the installation of strategically placed collection points, and the execution of educational campaigns targeting the event’s visitors. The analysis of the results obtained reveals significant impacts both from a socio-economic and environmental perspective, demonstrating the project’s ability to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and to generate income for the collectors involved. The article also explores the relevance of the project as an innovative and replicable model for sustainable waste management at large-scale events. The theoretical foundation is anchored in concepts from renowned geographers such as Milton Santos, David Harvey, and Yi-Fu Tuan, who discuss the intersection between urban space, sustainability, and socio-environmental justice, providing a solid basis for data interpretation.


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Author Biography

Pedro Bicalho Maia, Faculdades Santo Agostinho

Engenheiro Ambiental pela Faculdade Santo Agostinho de Montes Claros – MG.


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How to Cite

Bicalho Maia, P. (2024). Educação Ambiental e Coleta Seletiva em Eventos de Grande Porte: Um Relato de Experiência na Expomontes 2024. Revista Verde Grande: Geografia E Interdisciplinaridade, 6(02), 675–694.



Relatos de Projetos e Experiências