A prática de campo como ferramenta potencializadora na Formação Docente em Geografia: uma análise a partir da Geografia Agrária em Paragominas, PA
Geografia, Aula de Campo, Desenvolvimento docenteAbstract
This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of field classes in constructing a teacher's identity in Geography in the Amazon region of Pará. There were discussions of bibliographies in the classroom, planning actions before field practice, practical immersion in the city of Paragominas, in southeastern Pará, and, unquestionably, classroom discussions about learning in the field with the 2020 Geography class from the Instituto Federal do Pará/IFPA Bragança. Based on the experiences, the significant learning of geography teachers was evident, so through field practice and classroom discussions, students could understand the dynamics of the appropriation of the Amazonian space due to soybean planting. For instance, during field practice, students were able to observe the impact of soybean planting on the local ecosystem, and in classroom discussions, they could analyze the socio-economic implications of this activity. In this way, field practice was found to be an unquestionably important tool that enhances knowledge for teaching.Downloads
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